The 56th ESReDA seminar was held on 23‐24 May 2019, hosted by Johannes Kepler University (Institute for Stochastics and Linz Center of Mechatronics) Linz, Austria.
Vital services continuity is a major societal security issue in modern society. The supply of the vital services is guaranteed thanks to a large variety of Critical Infrastructures (CIs). Some CIs’ disruptions may endanger the security of the citizen, the safety of the strategic assets and even the governance stability.
The CIs are more and more connected thanks to the information technology (IT) and supply services in every aspect in man’s daily-life. The continuous progress in the IT fields pushes modern systems and infrastructures to be more and more: intelligent, distributed and proactive. That increases not only the operational complexity of the CI’s but also their vulnerability. The more complex a system is, the more vulnerable it will be and the more numerous are the threats that can impact on it. The loss of operability of critical infrastructures may, thus, lead to severe global crises.
Engineers, designers, operators and legislators should enhance the system preparedness and resilience facing different threats. That requires continuous efforts and resources of all kinds in a variety of fields. One of them is “Modelling, Simulation & Analysis (SM&A)” of the CI in order to enhance the CIs’ preparedness & resilience.
In order to report on the most recent developments in the field of the CIs preparedness & resilience MS&A and the availability of the relevant data, ESReDA will hold its 56th Seminar on the following thematic: “Critical Services continuity, Resilience and Security”.
The programme proposed 19 papers within 7 sessions: “CI Interdependency & Disruption Risk Analysis”, “Systems & Processes Performance Modelling”, “Continuity, Disruption Modelling & Resilience”, “Mathematical Modelling of System Performance”, Monitoring, Diagnosis & Data”, “Surveillance, Maintenance and Services Continuity” and “Climate & CI Protection”.
Also, the technical programme included two keynote lectures: “Towards an ecosystem of models – Common visions of automated engineering and critical infrastructure modelling” by Pr. Johann Hoffelner and “Risk and reliability engineering for crisis management: using experience from asset management” by Pr. Cyp F.H. van Rijn.
The final proceedings of the 56th ESReDA Seminar are already available (click to download pdf) for public consultation and free downloading in compliance with ESReDA politics of free dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge.