Reliability of Wind Turbines – Closed
A +/-

Status as of 1st Quarter 2015


The objective of this PG is to provide the state of the art on the reliability of Wind Turbines, as well as their lifetime management.


Initially, the scope was as follows:

  • AWind Turbine Reliability
  • A1Reliability of wind turbines
  • A2Failure modes and reliability
  • A3Dependability at the design phase
  • A4Manufacturing
  • A5Structural reliability
  • A6Operating experience
  • A7Optimization of maintenance
  • A8Ageing
  • A9Health monitoring
  • A10Reliability data
  • A11Models of wind, currents
  • BWind Mills and the Grid
     grid reliability aspects, related to Wind Mills
  • B1Reliability of networks
  • B2Risk/criticality analysis
  • B3Smart grid
  • B4Impact of natural events
  • B5Health monitoring
  • B6Reliability data


Start date and intended finish date

Started at the 40th ESReDA Seminar in May 2011
Expected end by December 2016 (an extension of one year will be required in the coming BoD)

Percentage Completion




Participants Chapter name Status 2015 Jan
Aubert,Thierçault, Teyssieras, Eid Wind Mill overview Very long text. Editing needed.
Wind turbine Reliability
Lars Introduction Short text exists. Include some of LP text from “Life Expectancy”.
Lars, Eid Wind Turbine Failure Databases. Editing needed. Coordinate with 1.10
El-Thalji, Ahmadi Dependability practices in wind turbine design Finished. To read.
Alaa, Lemosse Structural reliability Draft chapter(s)
Rafik, Faulstich, Pfaffel Operating experience Finished. To read.
Alaa Optimization of maintenance Draft chapter(s)
Athena Improving the understanding… Outline. To be canceled.
Alaa, Lemosse Ageing Draft chapter(s)
El-Thalji, Jantunen, Hameed Health monitoring Finished. To read.
Lars Reliability Data Seminar paper
Hodges, Bryans Wind Farm Design and Reliability Data Seminar paper
Douard, Lair, Domecq Risk Measurement Indicators Seminar paper
Lemosse Models of wind, current No text
Lars Accidents and risks LP text Vind 6.3. and FKA and påseglingsrisker.
Skriv att boken handlar om reliability men externa
risker och extern påverkan finns och dessa illustreras med några exempel.
El-Thalji LCC No. Probably to cancel.


New ideas for future development

Nothing for the moment


This PG has faced some difficulties due to low participation of the members, although they were very enthusiastic at the kick-off meeting.

An extension of one or two years will be required at the coming BoD, in order to invite new participants to provide additional contributions. Otherwise, the PG can be cancelled or published as it is.