Trustworthy Industrial AI Systems
with Asun Lera St.Clair & André Ødegårdstuen
Friday, 12 March 2021
16:00 – 17:00 CET
FREE Online Zoom Webinar
Zoom Registration:
Trust in AI is a major concern of many societal stakeholders. These concerns relate to the delegation of decisions to technologies we do not fully understand, to the misuse of those technologies for illegal, unethical or rights violation purposes, or to the acual technical limitations of these cognitive technologies while we rush to deploy them into society. There is a fast-emerging debate around these questions, often named as responsible AI, AI ethics, or explainable AI. However, there is less discussion as to what should be considered a trustworthy AI system in industrial contexts. AI introduces complexity and creates digital risks.
While complexity in traditional mechanical systems is naturally limited by physical constraints and the laws of nature, complexity in integrated, software-driven systems – which do not necessarily follow well-established engineering principles – seems to easily exceed human comprehension.
In this presentation we will unpack the idea that the trustworthiness of an AI system is not very different from that of a leader or an expert to whom, or an organization to which, we delegate our authority to make decisions or provide recommendations to reach a particular goal. Similarly, we argue that AI systems should be subjected to the same quality assurance methods and principles we use for any other technology.
Dr. Asun Lera St.Clair, philosopher and sociologist, is Director of the Digital Assurance Program in DNV Group Research and Development and Senior Advisor for the Earth Sciences unit of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). She has over 30 years of experience with designing and directing interdisciplinary user-driven and solutions-oriented research for global challenges in the interface of sustainable development and climate change, and more recently on the provision of trust on digital technologies and leveraging these for sustainable development.
André Ødegårdstuen works as a Senior Researcher at DNV where he focuses on the assurance of machine learning. André is active in the area of computer vision for drone surveys of industrial assets and monitoring of animal welfare. He has a background in physics and experience from the Point-of-Care diagnostic industry.
Trustworthy Complex and Intelligent Systems Webinar Series
This series is a collaboration between the European Safety, Reliability & Data Association (ESReDA), the ETH Zürich Chair of Intelligent Maintenance Systems, ETH Risk Center, the Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NorwAI) and DNV GL.
Webinars will be run monthly throughout 2021 exploring the themes of trust, ethics and applications of AI and novel technology in complex and safety critical intelligent systems.
For further information contact:
[email protected] Olga Fink
[email protected]
Elizabeth Traiger
[email protected]