64th ESReDA Seminar ( May 30th – 31st 2024, University of Deusto, Bilbao Spain )
May 30, 2024 – May 31, 2024 all-day
The Digital Twin Week
Unibertsitate Etorb.
24, Deusto, 48014 Bilbo, Bizkaia

64th ESReDA Seminar on
Digital Maintenance in the Digital Twin Era.
May 30th – 31st 2024,

Announcement and Call for Papers

64th ESReDA seminar within The Digital Twin Week. Bilbao May 29th-31st, 2024

The Digital Twin Week is an event jointly promoted by ESReDA and the University of Deusto, along with projects funded by the European Union, BUILDCHAIN and ENHANCE. In addition to the 64th ESReDA regular seminar, this event includes a Doctoral Workshop on digital twin techniques (Bilbao, May 29th-31st, 2024).

Scope of the 64th ESReDA seminar

The study of the digital transformation in the context of industry and infrastructure is highly topical and interesting. One of the business areas where this transformation is expected to be most significant is maintenance. It is, therefore, important to analyze how maintenance can benefit fromis transformation and how to do it: What are the new technologies and tools with the greatest potential impact on maintenance and why? How can this transformation process be mandated and realized? How will emerging asset management platforms, intelligent maintenance Apps, and digital twins technology impact companies?.

The advent of new technologies has made the maintenance landscape more intricate, necessitating efficient management of vast information and predictive alarms within dynamic schedules. However, the complexity of optimizing the maintenance decision-making process often hampers the technology’s impact on organizations. Consequently, conventional maintenance practices continue to be the norm, leading to a delay in embracing digitalization and hindering the expected return on investment for companies undergoing the digital transformation effort. Overcoming this resistance to change is paramount, especially with the emergence of advanced digitalization approaches like digital twins technology, which introduces a new dimension and a complex System of Systems
(SoS) scenario.

Furthermore, the role of individuals in the context of maintenance digitalization of maintenance is critical. Embracing digital transformation offers an opportunity for human evolution, leveraging the expertise and experience of employees in the new digital environment. This, in turn, provides a competitive edge in driving innovation and technological progress.

The challenges become even more significant when considering the transformation of assets or systems with limited digitization. Such assets represent a considerable portion of those amenable to digitization today and often hold valuable knowledge about their degradation and maintenance, typically residing with the personnel responsible for their management. Capturing and transferring this expertise into digital twin systems or intelligent maintenance Apps becomes essential for fully unlocking the potential benefits of digital transformation in maintenance practices as digitalization continues to advance.

This seminar aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and experts from various disciplines to share their insights and advancements in the realm of digital maintenance and its relationship with digital twins, complex systems, and human resources. The event intends to provide a vision of digital maintenance once the foundational technologies (AI, predictive analytics, digital twins, IoT, cloud/edge/fog computing, etc.) have reached a sufficient degree of maturity. This vision should facilitate drawing conclusions on the approaches needed to overcome current barriers that limit the full development of digital maintenance, particularly in assets and systems with a low level of digitization. During the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to share experiences in applying different technologies to improve maintenance, review the state of the art of these technologies, and evaluate their real impact on organizations and the evolution of their maintenance models.


We invite researchers and professionals to submit their original and high-quality papers related to the following topics (but not limited to):

Current Barriers in Implementing Technologies for Real Maintenance Evolution:

  • Identification and analysis of challenges hindering the adoption of digital maintenance technologies.
  • Barriers to integrating cutting-edge maintenance practices in traditional industrial environments.
  • Case studies highlighting real-world experiences and lessons learned in overcoming barriers.
  • Maintenance Modelling: Addressing the significance and challenges of creating comprehensive
    maintenance models for various assets, exploring approaches to predictive maintenance, failure
    analysis, and decision-making processes.

Advancements of Digital Twins in Complex Systems Generation:

  • Digital twins and/or asset administration shell as fundamental components of complex systems in the
    Industry 4.0 era.
  • Challenges and solutions in defining and treating assets within digital twins
  • Applications of digital twins in predictive and prescriptive maintenance strategies.
  • Integration of IoT, AI, and data analytics for enhancing digital twin capabilities.
  • Digital twins and MBSE (Model Based System Engineering).
  • Limitations and opportunities of digital twin technology
  • Standardization approaches.

The Role of Human Resources in the Context of Digital Maintenance and Digital Twins:

  • Skill gaps and training requirements for the workforce to embrace digital maintenance.
  • Human-computer interaction and collaboration in the digital twin environment.
  • Strategies for upskilling and reskilling the maintenance workforce for the digital era.


  • OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
  • Power generation & supply
  • Process industry
  • Gas & Oil production, storage & transport
  • ICT networks, data storage & servers
  • Transport: rail, road, air and maritime
  • Supply chain process
  • Water supply, water treatment, and water works

Chairman of the Seminar

Dr. Aitor Goti, Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical, Design and Industrial Management Maintenance, Universidad de Deusto

Technical Programme Committee (TPC)

Aitor Goti SP
Adolfo Crespo SP
Juan Chiachio SP
Manuel Chiachio SP
Antonio J. Sanchez SP
Hermann G. Matthies GER
Najm Habib USA
Anna Kucerova CZ
Andras Benczur HU
Noémi Friedman HU
Alberto Martinetti NL
Cyp F.H. van Rijn NL
José López Domínguez SP
Diego López de Ipiña SP
Diego Casado SP
John Andrews UK
Joaquín Ordieres SP
Miguel Ortega SP
Aitor Oyarbide SP
Elisabete Alberdi SP
Micaela Demichela IT
Rasa Remenyte-Prescott UK
Antonio Guillén SP
Mohamed Eid FR

Local Organization Committee (LOC)

For practical local information relative to the venue, please, contact: Aitor Goti ([email protected]) with Antonio Guillén ([email protected]) and Mohamed Eid ([email protected]) in Cc.

Relevant dates

Submission of abstracts: 20th of January, 2024
Notification to the authors: 10th of February, 2024
Full papers or estended abstract: 31st of March, 2024
Date of seminar: 30th – 31st May
ESReDA Project group’s meetings: 29th of May 2024
ESReDA Board of Directors meetings: 29th of May 2024
ESReDA General Assembly: 30th of May 2024
ESReDA Gala dinner: 30th of May 2024

Procedure to submit an abstract, paper and to register

Authors wishing to present a paper are invited to submit a short abstract (max. 400 words) and author’ names
online, before 20th Jaunary 2024.

The full papers or extended abstracts should be submitted before March 31st 2024 and should address the following:Tentative title

  • Objectives;
  • Relevance for the Seminar;
  • Novelty;
  • Data, Methods and findings.

Extended abstracts are an alternative to full papers. An extended abstract should be at least one page in length, and
it should include a list of most relevant references (5 or 6). Both extended abstracts and full papers will be published
in the JRC technical report.

Proposals should be sent to Aitor Goti ([email protected]) and Antonio Guillén ([email protected])

Registration and Seminar fee

A registration form and the practical information package will be made available on the ESReDA website. Fees,
according to ESReDA’s rules, are:

Accompanied persons for Gala dinner: 60€/acc. person.

Speakers: one speaker per accepted paper is exempted.
ESReDA members: 3 participants/member are taken in charge by the Seminar.
Others: 300€/participant.

To be paid by bank transfer to ESReDA account:

*Holder: ESReDA
Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis Bank, Boulevard Jamar 1 D, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium
IBAN: BE69 0012 3728 1678
Subject: Registration in the 64th ESReDA Seminar

Seminars Proceedings

The final proceedings of the 64th Seminar will edited in the form of Technical Report and e-published with public


Faculty of Engineering – University of Deusto, Bilbao Campus

The University of Deusto was inaugurated in 1886. The concerns and cultural interest of the Basque Country in
having their own university, as well as the interest of the Jesuits in establishing higher studies in some part of the
Spanish State coincided in its conception. Nowadays, Bilbao is the center of a metropolitan area with more than
one million inhabitants, a city traditionally open to Europe.

The central headquarters of the University of Deusto is located on the opposite side of the estuary, facing the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, an emblematic symbol of the significant transformation of Bilbao during the last three decades. In 1916, the “Universidad Comercial de Deusto” received a group of students who would be the first graduates in Economic Sciences in Spain.

The institution is located on two campuses: Bilbao and San Sebastian and headquarters in Madrid and Vitoria. It counts with 10.000 students, 600 professors and 1200 invited professors. As Jesuit University, Deusto is a part of an international network, formed by 202 educational institutions that provide a pedagogical tradition centered on the person as essential value.

How to get to Universidad de Deusto?


