The 58th ESReDA Seminar on Using Knowledge to Manage Risks and Threats: Practices and Challenges was virtually organized by European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC JRC) and ESReDA as an effort of the two project groups (former Foresight in Safety and current Risk, Knowledge and Management) on the 15th – 16th June 2021.
The seminar was well attended and it went without any larger problems. MS Teams platform proved satisfactory for event with less than 100 participants. Defined team for the seminar was also very helpful for preparatory activities (e.g. communication, uploading of presentations etc.).
The Seminar agenda had five keynote lectures, one forum to discuss main theme and 20 regular presentations (distributed in five sessions). There was total of 58 participants from more than 20 countries. Interestingly, one keynote presenter, prof. Jan Hayes, was from Australia. The participants were coming from different domains (e.g. nuclear, railway, aviation, telecommunication etc.) and different types of stakeholders (i.e., industry regulators and research).
Feedback about seminar, collected by online poll, is very positive in respect to organization, presentations, discussions and takeaways. The seminar has already inspired one proposal for the new project group and it will most certainly help continuation of the work for the related project group “Risk, Knowledge and Management”.
58th ESReDA Seminar Proceedings are already available – click to download.